The Index to the Criticisms against Prophet Muhammad.
23 years: A Study of the Great Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
From Mecca to Madinah: A Study of the Criticims by Non-Muslims againist Prophet Muhammad
Below is a list of all the criticisms againist Prophet Muhammad by the critics of Islam. All these topics relate to the Question whether Muhamamd is a true Prophet.
Inshallah soon I will refute all these allegations. However if there is any Muslim Debater out there who would like to debate is Muhammad a Prophet Of God, they
should study the refutations of the below allegations and focus on the 5 pieces of evidence for Prophet Muhammad, at the bottom.

- The Killing of Abu Afak by the Command of Prophet Muhammad

- The Killing of Asama Bin Marwan by the Command of Prophet Muhammad

- The Torture of Kinnana with fire for finding treasure by Prophet Muhamamd

- The Killing of the Meccan Ten
- The false story of Zaniab bint Jash, the truth behind the marriage.
- Juwairiyah: The truth behind the marraige
- The More than four wives: Why did the Prophet have more than four wives?
- Black Magic done on the Prophet Muhamamd: The Curing the Prophet from Angels
- Kab-- the Jew, why he was killed
- Certain Hadith Issues
* Fly in the drink 
* 90 foot tall Adam
* Satan in the nose
* The Well of Gibarah 
* Satan and Yawning
* Sun proserates beneth the earth
- The Killing of Abdullah bin Salul, why was he killed
- The Raiding of the Caravans, the Early Muslims were kicked out of Mecca and all their possessions were sold by Abu Safyan. The Muslims went after it
for survival.
- Proof of Early Muslims and Prophet Muhamamd being kicked out of Mecca from the hadith, Abu Bakr and Umar getting sick.
- The Issues of the sources of Islam

- Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, etc

- Ibn Sa'd, Al-Aaqidi, Ibn Hisham, etc
- The issue and context of "Demon" possession and Angel Gabriel first visting him. False Sucidial stories in Ibn Ishaq and Bukhari.
Did Prophet Muhammad have a motive to fabricate Islam?

* Did Prophet Muhamamd fabricate Islam for wealth, money?

* Did the Prophet fabricate Islam to have many wives?

* Did Prophet Muhammad fabricate Islam for unity of the Arabs?

* Did the Prophet fabricate Islam because he had a big ego?
-Are Arabs Ishmaelite: Are the Arabs and Jews connected?
-Alleged Pre Islamic influences
-Prophet Muhammad(P)'s Night Journey and Ascension to Heaven
-Alleged Scientific Errors in the Quran
-Evidences for Prophet Muhammad being a true Prophet

* Prophcies of Prophet Muhamamd

* Scientific Miracles of the Quran

* Doctrine of Islam: Worship One God, A Biblical Teaching.

* Prophet Muhammad foretold in the Bible

edited and distorted over time. Moreover Most of the Biblical books have unknown authors (especially the New Testament)