Here, Ehteshaam reviews various books on Christianity and Islam, and debates between Muslims and Christians. All Reviews coming soon!
- Zakir Naik Vs. William Campbell: The Quran and the Bible In The Light of Modern Science Debate Review (Coming soon, Inshallah) Watch the entire debate here.
In His short review, Ehteshaam Gulam explains why much information in Misha'al Ibn Abdullah's book What Did Jesus Really Say shouldn't be trusted and his disregard for scholarship.
- Why I am Not A Muslim By Ibn Warraq (Read another rebuttal to the book by Dr.McAuliffe here --off site)
In his Short Review, Ehteshaam critically analyzes Robert Spencer's appeal to Islamic sources and cites all the scholars who hold negative views about Robert Spencer and his works.
Ehteshaam Gulam reviews Paul Williams short paper on the evolution of the divinity of Christ.
- Islam: What the West Needs to Know
Websites to Avoid
- Answering-Christianity.com
*****Anything you would like me to review? Tell me by emailing me. *****