Refuting Arguements against Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
There are several false stories about Prophet Muhammad going around Anti-Islamic circles. Here I will examine these stories and say why they are false.
Here I document 8 false stories about Prophet Muhammad and why they should be discarded (Note for the first five false stories, I already cover it in a previous essay and the link, links to that essay). As for False story #6—Bassam Zawadi already covers it on his website, which I link to.
************SPECIAL NOTE FROM 2012*********
I Have now made on another Website a collection of rebuttals to arguements against Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) by all critics of Islam
The list was so big that I wasnt able to produce it on this site. Please click here to see Refutations to all the arguments against the Prophet done by
Muslim apologists over the years. To see rebuttals to all criticisms against Islam and refuting other religions see here.
According to the Bible, A prophet must Claim that Jesus came in the Flesh (2 John 1, 1 John 4:1-6), Command the people to worship the
God they know (Deuteronomy 13 & 18), Speak in the name of God (Deuteromy 18), Give a true prophecy or a future event or a miracle
(Deuteronomy 13 and 18) Speak in the name of God (Deuteronomy 18), Give a true prophecy of a future event or a miracle (Deuteronomy 13 and 18),
Deuteronomy 18:21-22, Be like Moses (Deuteronomy 18), Not claim to be the Messiah (Jesus) or Elijah 2 (John 4:25-26, Matthew 11:14, Matt 17:12-13)
Prophet Muhamamd fits all these criteria. To see Miralces of Prophet Muhamamd (p) see here, here and here. To see Prophecies of Prophet Muhammad see here.

*** Special Note from 2011 *****
There are many false stories about Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) found in Ibn Ishaq, Al-Tabari, the Tafsir of Al-Tabari, Ibn Kathir, Zad Al Maad, Ibn Kathir, etc. Time and space won’t let me document all these false stories. So I want Muslims to know that whenever a critic or Islamophobe quotes a story from Ibn Ishaq or Al-Tabari, it’s most likely false (especially if it’s from Ibn Ishaq or if the narrator is Al-Waqidi in the Tabari narration). We Muslims only accept Bukhari, Muslim, and the other four major collectors of hadith to be 100%
accurate when it comes to the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). So if a story of the Prophet is not confirmed in the major hadith collections
then it is to be rejected.
Why would Muslim Historians and BiOGRPAHERS Collect false stories about Prophet Muhammad? The reason is because of course people lied during
the time of the Prophet Muhammad, of course people are going to lie or make up stories After the time of the Prophet Muhammad. Sometimes
Muslim historians and biographers collected these false/made up stories and put them in their books. However the isnad system tells us if
something is early and reliable. So we judge the reliability of a story about the Prophet Muhammad (p), his wives, companions, their wives, and other Muslim
figures based on the chains of tranmission. If the chain is authentic, we accept it, if it isn't we don't. As simple as that.
To see Preservation of the Hadith and refutations that the Hadith came 200 years after the death of the Prophet see this and this and this.
Below is a list of all the false stories that most commonly appear in Anti Islamic websites, books, Atheist Critics of Islam, Orienatlists works, etc.

False Story #6 The Zaniab bint Jash Story

False Story #7 The Talking Donkey Yafoor

False Story #8: The Deer Story

False Story #9: The Prophet Said the Torah was from God.

False Story #10 Prophet Muhammad killed 900 Jews from the Tribe of Qurayza

False Story # 11 Prophet Muhammad ordering the killing of any Jew and the death of Ibn Sunaya

False Story #12 Other false killing stories in Ibn Ishaq's sira (biography)

False Story #13 Prophet Muhammad said that Adam was 90 feet tall

False Story #14 Prophet Muhammad said that when a boy grows up he'll see judgement day

False Story #15 Prophet Muhammad said a man will not be asked as to why he beat his wife

False Story #16 Prophet Muhammad said that only the man can allow for divorce/ Prophet forced divorces

False Story #17 Prophet Muhammad and snakes

False Story #18 Prophet Muhammad and the Heavens

False Story #19 An Old Woman being split in two after a battle

False Story #20 Prophet Muhammad chaning the Qibla

False Story #21 Prophet Muhammad killed Safiyyah’s Father, Brother and Husband

False Story #22 Prophet Muhammad killed Mulaykah’s father

False Story #23 Prophet Muhammad had more than 9-12ves/ had about 15 or 22 or 30 wives/conubines/women

False Story #24 Prophet Muhammad ordered the assassinations/killings
of People according to Ibn Ishaq and Al-Tabari

False Story #25 Prophet Muhammad ordered the Killing of 600-900 Banu Qurazah men and the enslavement of their women and children.

False Story #26 Prophet Muhammad hit Aisha on the Chest

False Story #27 Prophet Muhammad said the Devil is a Black Man

False Story #28 Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that the world’s different ethicinities is descended from Shem, Ham and Japheth.

False Story #29 The story of Prophet Muhammad, Hafsa and Maria

Misconception/ False Claim #30 Prophet Muhammad was not certain of his salvation

Misconception/ False Claim #31 Maria the Copt was Prophet Muhamamd’s maid/Concubine

False Story/ Claim #32 Prophet Muhammad is reported to have said that he believed in the Torah in the possession of the Jews at his time

False Story #33 Prophet Muhammad said he is married to Mary the Mother of Jesus in Heaven

False Story/ Misconception #34 Aisha did not hit puberty when marrying Prophet Muhammad (p)

False Story/Misconception #35 Prophet Muhammad was unfair in his treatment of his wives/ especially Sadwah, he wanted to
False Story #36 Prophet Muhammad allowed Mutah Marriage/Temporary Marriage with a woman
False Story #37 Prophet Muhammad attacked various Tribes, Arab Tribes, the Jewish Tribes, and the Pagan Meccan Tribes for no good reason/ Prophet Muhamamd (p) wars were not in self defense:
False Story # 37.1 Prophet Muhammad Attacked the Khaybar Jews for No Reason
False Story #38 The Prophet Muhammad said "Kill any Jew under your power" and the killing of the Jew Ibn Sunayna
False Story #39 Prophet Muhammad (p) made a false prophecy when he said the women will go around an idol in Arabia.
False Story #40 Prophet Muhammad (p) said that most women go to Hell
Click on the "Satanic Verses" there I have a Youtube video which completely refutes the "Satanic Verses" story. The story is false because there is no reliable chain of transmission for it (see Ibn Hazm, Al Fasl Filmalal Volume 2 pages 308-309, 311). Islamic Scholars such as Imam Razi (in his Tafsir Volume 11 page135), Qazi Abu Bakr Ibn al-`Arabi (Al-Shifa Volume 2 page 126), and Alusi (in his Tafsir Volume 13 page 99) etc. have rejected The Satanic Verses story altogether.
False Story #2: The Killing of Abu Afak
This story states that the Prophet Muhammad (p) killed Abu Afak an old Jewish Man who made fun of him. This story is found in Ibn Ishaq pages p.675. It is also found in Ibn Sa'd's Volume 2, page 32. However this story is false because there is no chain of transmission (Isnad) for this story. Another problem is that this story is mentioned by Al-Waqidi's work (See Al-Waqidi Volume 1, pages 174-175.) However Al-Waqidi has already been demonstrated to be a Liar and a not trustworthy source about the Prophet Muhammad:
As al-Nasa’i said about Al-Waqidi (d. 303 A.H.):
The liars known for fabricating the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah are four. They are: Arba’ah b. Abi Yahya in Madinah, al-Waqidi in Baghdad, Muqatil b. Sulayman in Khurasan and Muhammad bin Sa’id in Syria. (Ibn Hajr al-‘Asqalani, Tahdhib al-Tahdhib, vol.9 p.366 No.604)
False Story #3 The Killing of Asama bin Marwan
This story is found in Ibn Ishaq's biography of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) pages 675–676.
Some classical and post-classical hadith scholars such as Al-Albani, Majdi, and Al-Jawzi have rejected the story, with some declaring it as fabrication, pointing out in their arguments that thechains of transmission by which the story was transmitted are all weak. So this story is false.
On Details on why the Chain of Transmission is weak/Flawed see:
Al-Albani, Nasir al-Din. "Hadith#6013". Silsilat al-aḥādīth al-ḍaʻīfah wa-al-mawḍūʻah. 33. p. 13. "(موضوع...محمد بن الحجاج...قلت : وهو كذاب خبيث ؛ كما قال ابن معين ، وهو واضع حديث الهريسة ... والراوي عنه محمد بن إبراهيم الشامي ؛ كذاب أيضاً)"
Al-Sayyid, Majdi Fathi. ed. Ṣaḥīḥ Sīrah al-Nabawīyah. 4. Dār al-Ṣaḥābah lil-Turāth. pp. 335–336. "
حديث ضعيف وإسناده معضل
1 – أخرجه ابن سعد، (2/27–28) في طبقاته من رواية الواقدي المتروك، وعنه أخرجه ابن السكن، والعسكري في الأمثال كما في الإصابة (5/34) .
في سنده الواقدي من المتروكين.
2 – أخرجه الخطيب (13/199) في تاريخه، و ابن الجوزي في العلل (1/175)، و ابن عساكر في تاريخه كما في الكنز (35491) من طريق محمد بن الحجاج اللخمي عن مجالد عن الشعبي عن إبن عباس.
و سنده موضوع. فيه اللخمي، قال البخاري عنه: منكر الحديث. و قال ابن معين: كذاب خبيث، وقال مرة: ليس بثقة، وكذبه الدارقطني، وإتهمه ابن عدي بوضع حديث الهريسة،"
Al-Jawzi, Abu'l-Faraj. Al-'ilal. 1. p. 175. "(هذا مما يتهم بوضعه محمد بن الحجاج)"
Ibn ʻAdī. Al-Kāmil fī al-ḍuʻafāʼ wa-ʻilal al-ḥadīth. 7. p. 326. "(ولم يرو عن مجالد غير محمد بن الحجاج وجميعاً مما يُتهم محمد بن الحجاج بوضعها)"
False Story #4 The Killing of the Meccan Ten
As for the Killing of the Meccan Ten I again quote the passage:
According to al-Waqidi: The Messenger of God commanded that six men and four women should be killed. Of the men, [al-Waqidi] mentioned those whom Ibn Ishaq named. The women he mentioned were Hind bt. ‘Utbah b. Rabi‘ah, who became a Muslim and swore allegiance; Sarah, the mawla of ‘Amr b. Hashim b. ‘Abd al-Muttalib b. ‘Abd Manaf, who was killed on that day; Quraybah, who was killed on that day; and Fartana, who lived until the caliphate of ‘Uthman. (The History of Al-Tabari, Volume VIII, pp. 179-181)
This narration is also found in the works of Ibn Sa’d. This narration is false because it contains Al-Waqidi as a narrator. Al-Waqidi was a known liar according to many Islamic scholars quoted below:
Abd Allah Ibn Ali al Madini and his father said: "Al-Waqidi has 20,000 Hadith I never heard of." And then he said: "His narration shouldn't be used" and considered it weak.
Yahya Ibn Muaen said: "Al-Waqidi said 20,000 false hadith about the prophet."
Al-Shafi'i said, "Al-Waqidi is a liar."
Ibn Hanbal said, "Al-Waqidi is a liar."
Al-Bukhari said he didn't write a single letter by Al-Waqidi. (Siar Aalam al nublaa - althagbi - biography of Al-Waqidi)
The following Muslim author writes:
As a report of history, this narration suffers from two fatally serious defects. The first is the UNIVERSALLY RECOGNISED UNTRUSTWORTHINESS OF AL-WAQIDI. Details of his unreliability as a narrator would probably fill several pages, but all of it may be suitably condensed into a statement by Imam ash-Shafi'ee, who was his contemporary, and who knew him personally. Ash-Shafi'ee has the following to say: "In Madeenah there were seven people who used to forge chains of narration. One of them was al-Waqidi."3 (Sources: and; bold emphasis ours)
Others say:
Al-Waqidi (130/747-207/822-23), who wrote over twenty works of an historical nature, but only the Kitab al-Maghazi has survived as an independent work. His reputation is marred by the fact that he relied upon story tellers; viz., those who embellished the stories of others. Al-Waqidi did such embellish, such as by adding dates and other details onto the account of Ibn Ishaq (at pages 25-29) (
Even the English translator of Ibn Sa'd's work had this to say about al-Waqidi:
... The chain of the narrators is not reliable because the person who narrated to Ibn Sa'd was Waqidi WHO IS NOTORIOUS AS A NARRATOR OF FABRICATED hadithes. The next one Ya'qub is unknown and 'Abd Allah Ibn 'Abd al-Rahman is not a Companion. Consequently this narration is not trustworthy. (Ibn Sa'd's Kitab Al-Tabaqat Al-Kabir, Volume I, English translation by S. Moinul Haq, M.A., PH.D assisted by H.K. Ghazanfar M.A. [Kitab Bhavan Exporters & Importers, 1784 Kalan Mahal, Daryaganj, New Delhi, 110 002 India], p. 152, fn. 2; capital emphasis ours)
And the list goes on of those who called him a liar.
Al-Waqidi was also one of those that narrated the story of the Satanic Verses. The most amazing part of this is that the authors' friend, MENJ has a response on the same web site where this rebuttal appears from G.F. Haddad seeking to deny the historicity of the Satanic Verses where he calls into question al-Waqidi's reliability! Here is what Haddad says about al-Waqidi:
[(*) Muhammad ibn `Umar al-Waqidi (d. 207), Ahmad ibn Hanbal said of him: "He is A LIAR." Al-Bukhari and Abu Hatim al-Razi said: "DISCARDED." Ibn `Adi said: "His narrations ARE NOT RETAINED, AND THEIR BANE COMES FROM HIM." Ibn al-Madini said: "HE FORGES HADITHS." Al-Dhahabi said: "CONSENSUS HAS SETTLED OVER HIS DEBILITY." Mizan al-I`tidal (3:662-666 #7993).] (Source:; capital emphasis ours)
So as we can see, this narration about the killing of the Meccan ten is unreliable because it contains Al-Waqidi as a narrator. It is false.
False Story #6 Zaninab Bint Jash: The Truth Behind the Marriage
Update: I have responded to the story of Zaniab bint Jash in more detail here.
The story of Zaninab Bint Jash changing her clothes and Prophet Muhammad peeking into her room, seeing her undress and falling in love with her beauty is false. This false story is found in Al-Tabari (which is filled with fake narrations as I document here). The story of Prophet Muhammad finds Zaniab Bint Jash changing her clothes and fanscinated with her beauty gets a revelation from Allah telling him its okay to marry her because Zaid is ordered to divorce her. The story goes like this:
The Messenger of God came to the house of Zayd b. Harithah. (Zayd was always called Zayd b. Muhammad.) Perhaps the Messenger of God missed him at that moment, so as to ask, "Where is Zayd?" He came to his residence to look for him but did not find him. Zaynab bt. Jash, Zayd's wife, rose to meet him. Because she was dressed only in a shift, the Messenger of God turned away from her. She said: "He is not here, Messenger of God. Come in, you who are as dear to me as my father and mother!" The Messenger of God refused to enter. Zaynab had dressed in haste when she was told "the Messenger of God is at the door." She jumped up in haste and excited the admiration of the Messenger of God, so that he turned away murmuring something that could scarcely be understood. However, he did say overtly: "Glory be to God the Almighty! Glory be to God, who causes the hearts to turn!"
When Zayd came home, his wife told him that the Messenger of God had come to his house. Zayd said, "Why didn't you ask him to come in?" He replied, "I asked him, but he refused." "Did you hear him say anything?" he asked. She replied, "As he turned away, I heard him say: ?Glory be to God the Almighty! Glory be to God, who causes hearts to turn!'"
So Zayd left, and having come to the Messenger of God, he said: "Messenger of God, I have heard that you came to my house. Why didn't you go in, you who are as dear to me as my father and mother? Messenger of God, perhaps Zaynab has excited your admiration, and so I will separate myself from her." Zayd could find no possible way to [approach] her after that day. He would come to the Messenger of God and tell him so, but the Messenger of God would say to him, "Keep your wife." Zayd separated from her and left her, and she became free.
While the Messenger of God was talking with 'A'isha, a fainting overcame him. When he was released from it, he smiled and said, "Who will go to Zaynab to tell her the good news, saying that God has married her to me?" Then the Messenger of God recited: "And when you said unto him on whom God has conferred favor and you have conferred favor, “Keep your wife to yourself .'"- and the entire passage.
According to 'A'isha, who said: "I became very uneasy because of what we heard about her beauty and another thing, the greatest and loftiest of matters - what God had done for her by giving her in marriage. I said she would boast of it over us. [1]
When reporting this story Tabari (the hadith narrator) failed to provide a chain of narrators, is not a single chain of narrators at all, regarding this hadith (or story). It just begins with, "It was said that...." This is not a trustworthy narration and in fact is discarded by several Islamic scholars:
"So far as the fanciful stories and calumnies of the Orientalists are concerned, we can only say that these are so absurd that any one having even a grain of sense in him would unhesitatingly reject them as mere fabrications. William Muir and so may others like him state that the Prophet, having seen Zaynab by change through a half-open door, was fascinated by her beauty, and that Zayd having come to know of the leanings of his master, divorced her and then she was marred by Muhammad. There is absolutely no truth in these stories which have been fabricated in this connection." [2]
Why didn’t he marry her when she was single? Moreover the story of Prophet Muhammad seeing Zanib undress and seeing her beauty, and making Zaid (his apopted son) divorce her so he could marry her is apocryphal (fake) and not at all historical. The real story behind why Prophet Muhammad married Zaniab was because her marriage with Zaid was not working out because she was constantly complaining and nagging to Zaid. Prophet Muhammad refused to have Zaid divocrce her and told Zaid to Fear God. After the marriage proved to be fruitless and Zaniab continued over to over to nag and complain, Zaid had enough and divorced her. Prophet Muhammad then decided to marry her, not of lust, but out of mercy due to her financial status.
When Zanib divorced Zaid she had no home, and Prophet Muhammad offered her a home by marrying her. As to Prophet Muhammad manipulating the divorce to satisty his own whims, I think Paul Grieve (2006) writes it best when he writes:
There are also responses to be made to the accusation that Muhammad manipulated the divorce to satisfy his own sexual whim. ….. whom he (Muhammad) knew well (Zaniab), and he could have married her at a much earlier time had he been so inclined. Secondly, at the time of the marriage, after the Farewell Pilgrimage, Muhammad was in poor health and close to death.” [3]
Moreover Prophet Muhammad did not want to marry Zaniab as this hadith tells us:
Narrated Anas: Zaid bin Haritha came to the Prophet complaining about his wife. The Prophet kept on saying (to him), "Be afraid of Allah and keep your wife." Aisha said, "If Allah's Apostle were to conceal anything (of the Quran) he would have concealed this Verse." Zainab used to boast before the wives of the Prophet and used to say, "You were given in marriage by your families, while I was married (to the Prophet) by Allah from over seven Heavens." And Thabit recited, "The Verse:-- ?But (O Muhammad) you did hide in your heart that which Allah was about to make manifest, you did fear the people,' (33.37) was revealed in connection with Zainab and Zaid bin Haritha." (Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 93, Number 516)
So the marriage between Prophet Muhammad and Zaniab was divinely ordained in the Quran and is in no way did Prophet Muhammad steal someone’s wife. Zaniab being a divorcee was to be married to Prophet Muhammad whether he liked it or not because of commandment of Allah by the Quran. Zaniab divorced Zaid because the marriage was not working out, and Prophet Muhammad offered to marry her. This was backed by a divine commandment by Allah (God) in the Quran. So all what happened is that Prophet Muhammad married a divorcee. That’s it.
[1] The History of Al-Tabari: The Victory of Islam, translated by Michael Fishbein [State University of New York Press, Albany, 1997], Volume VIII, pp. 2-3
[2] (Source: The Life of Muhammad, by Abdul Hameed Siddique, Islamic Publications LTD, p. 214, bold and underlined emphasis ours)
[3] Grieve, Paul: Islam: History, Faith and Politics: The Complete Introduction. Carroll and Gulf Publishers, New York, 2006 pgs.77-78
False Story # 7: The Talking Donkey, Yafoor
According to many Islamic scholars over the years, the story of Prophet Muhammad having a donkey and speaking to it is a false story. The story first appeared in The book "The Beginning and the End" written by Ibn Kathir, Chapter Six, Entry title: "The Conversation of the Donkey". The story goes like this:
"When Allah opened Khaybar to his prophet Muhammad – may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him – he (Muhammad) received as his share of the spoils four sheep, four goats, ten pots of gold and silver and a black, haggard donkey.
The prophet – may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him – ADDRESSED the donkey asking, ‘What is your name?’ THE DONKEY ANSWERED, ‘Yazid Ibn Shihab. Allah had brought forth from my ancestry 60 donkeys, none of whom were ridden on except by prophets. None of the descendants of my grandfather remain but me, and none of the prophets remain but you and I expected you to ride me. Before you, I belonged to a Jewish man, whom I caused to stumble and fall frequently so he used to kick my stomach and beat my back.’
The prophet – may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him – said to him, ‘I will call you Ya’foor, Oh Ya’foor.’ Then Ya’foor REPLIED, ‘I obey.’ The prophet then asked, ‘Do you desire females?’ The donkey replied, ‘NO!’
So the prophet used to ride the donkey to complete his business and if the prophet dismounted from him he would send the donkey to the house of the person he wanted to visit and Ya’foor would knock at the door with his head. When the owner of the house would answer the door, the donkey would signal to that person to go see the prophet.
When the prophet died, the donkey went to a well belonging to Abu Al-Haytham Ibn Al-Tahyan and threw himself in the well out of sadness for the prophet’s death, making it his grave."
In regards to the story of the speaking donkey, please refer to the following sources that speak of its fabrication:
- Ibn Hibban states that there is no foundation for this narration in Al Majrooheen, Volume 2, page 328
- Al Dhahabi states that this narration is fabricated in Mizan al-Itidal¸ Volume 4, page 34
- Sheikh Albany states that this narration is fabricated in Silsilatil Ahaadeeth Al Da'eefa, Hadith no. 5405
- Ibn Al Jawzi asked Allah to curse the individual who fabricated this narration. See Mizan al-Itidal and Lisaan Al Mizan [1]
False Story # 8 The Deer Story
As for the Speaking Deer story found in "The Beginning and the End" written by Ibn Kathir, Chapter Six, Entry title: "The Conversation of the Deer", it again is a fabricated story. The story is bascially a deer talks to Prophet Muhammad and tells him that she wants to feed her young and then she would return to her captors. She keeps
her promise, and the Arabs who captured her let her go because they heard her talking to the Prophet. It's a nice story, I remember my Mom told me it a while
ago. However its been deemed weak or fabricated.
In regards to the story of the speaking deer, please refer to the following sources that speak of its weakness:
- Al Bayhaqi states that it is weak in Dalail Al Nubuwwah, Volume 6, page 35
- Al Dhahabi in Mizan al-Itidal, Volume, page 456 states that it is fabricated.
- Ibn Kathir criticizes the matn (content) and isnad (chain of transmission) in Tuhfatil Taalib, page 158
- Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani states that this narration is rare in Muwaafaqatil Khabar Al Khabar, Volume 1, page 246.
- Al Suyuti in his Al Khasaais Al Kubra, Volume 2, page 61 [2]
[1] From Bassam Zawadi’s website:
[2] Ibid.
False Story #9 The Prophet Said the Torah was from God.
This isn't much of story, rather its a hadith. Bascially the hadith in Abu Dawud Book 38, Number 4434 shows that Muhammad respected the Torah and thus acknowledged its sanctity. This shows that Muhammad believed that the Torah at his time was not textually corrupted.
Narrated Abdullah Ibn Umar: A group of Jews came and invited the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) to Quff. So he visited them in their school.
They said: AbulQasim, one of our men has committed fornication with a woman; so pronounce judgment upon them. They said: AbulQasim, one of our men has committed fornication with a woman; so pronounce judgment upon them. They placed a cushion for the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) who sat on it and said: Bring the Torah. It was then brought. He then withdrew the cushion from beneath him and placed the Torah on it saying: I believed in thee and in Him Who revealed thee.He then said: Bring me one who is learned among you. Then a young man was brought. The transmitter then mentioned the rest of the tradition of stoning similar to the one transmitted by Malik from Nafi'(No. 4431). (Dawud Book 38, Number 4434)
This report is considered weak because one of its reporters is Hisham ibn Sa'd whose narratives are disturbed and corrupted according to many hadith critics like Ibn Hanbal, Ibn Ma'een, Abu Hatem, al-Nisa'ee, Ibn Sa'd, Ibn 'Adii, al-Madini, al-Hakim, al-'Aqili, Ibn Habban and others.
This is the reason why Ibn Hazm notes:
As for the report in which the Prophet (peace be upon him) took the Torah and said: "I believe in thee", it is a fabricated false report that did not reach us with proper chain of transmission (Ibn Hazm, Al-Fisal fe al-Milal wa al-Ahwaa wa al-Nihal, Volume 1, p. 237)
It is also worthy to note that this particular hadith has been reported through multiple chains of transmission; however, no one has ever mentioned the incident of the Prophet (saws) praising the Torah except in the report of Hisham ibn Sa'd from Zaid ibn Aslam.
False Story #10 Prophet Muhammad killed 900 Jews from the Tribe of Qurayza
Other Muslim apologists have already responded to the Banu Qurayza story here and here. However this is my breif response to it.
This along with the Talking Donkey story is probably the most ridicolous story I have ever heard about Prophet Muhammad. It is alleged that the Prophet Muhammad
ordered the killing of 400 to 900 Jews from a tribe in Madinah. However this is false, there is no way that many people were killed in Madinah. It has been suggested
that this story is a later invention and that the source of this story has sources in Jewish Traditions.
The story is found in Ibn Ishaq's sira (Biography) of Prophet Muhammad. Again I document the problems with Ibn Ishaq here. Ibn Ishaq died around 151 A.H. (The Islamic
calender). Ibn Ishaq died around 145 years after the alleged event. Critics of Islam and Oreintal (White/European People) Historians constatnly rely soley on Ibn Ishaq
without bothering to check his uncertain list of authorities or whether Ibn Ishaq is relibale or not. Ibn Hajar [2] states that this story is an odd tale [1]. And we've already
seen that Imam Malik had called Ibn Ishaq a "liar" several times.
The story opens with a description of the effort of named Jewish leaders to organize against the Muslims an alliance of the hostile forces. The leaders named included three from the Banu al-Nadir and two of the tribe of Wa'il, another Jewish tribe; together with other Jewish fellow-tribesmen unnamed. Having persuaded the neighbouring Bedouin tribes of Ghatafan, Murra, Fazara, Sulaym, and Ashja' to take up arms, they now proceeded to Mecca where they succeeded in persuading the Quraysh. Having gathered together a besieging force, one of the Nadir leaders, Huyayy b. Akhtab, in effect forced himself on the third Jewish tribe still in Medina, the Banu Qurayza, and, against the better judgement of their leader, Ka'b b. Asad, he persuaded them to break faith with the Prophet in the hope, presented as a certainty, that the Muslims would not stand up to the combined attacking forces and that Qurayza and the other Jews would be restored to independent supremacy. The siege of Medina failed and the Jewish tribes suffered for their part in the whole operation.
But the important thing to note is that Prophet Muhammad never ordered the execution of the Bani Qurayza. Rather it was a man named Sad bin Muadh who
ordered that the warriors of Bani Qurayza should be killed and their women and children should be taken as slaves. This is found in the books of Bukhari (authentic
sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad):
Narrated Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri: When the tribe of Bani Quraiza was ready to accept Sad's judgment, Allah's Apostle sent for Sad who was near to him. Sad came, riding a donkey and when he came near, Allah's Apostle said (to the Ansar), "Stand up for your leader." Then Sad came and sat beside Allah's Apostle who said to him. "These people are ready to accept your judgment." Sad said, "I give the judgment that their warriors should be killed and their children and women should be taken as prisoners." The Prophet then remarked, "O Sad! You have judged amongst them with (or similar to) the judgment of the King Allah." (Bukhari Volume 4, Book 52, Number 280)
Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri: Some people (i.e. the Jews of Bani bin Quraiza) agreed to accept the verdict of Sad bin Muadh so the Prophet sent for him (i.e. Sad bin Muadh). He came riding a donkey, and when he approached the Mosque, the Prophet said, "Get up for the best amongst you." or said, "Get up for your chief." Then the Prophet said, "O Sad! These people have agreed to accept your verdict." Sad said, "I judge that their warriors should be killed and their children and women should be taken as captives." The Prophet said, "You have given a judgment similar to Allah's Judgment (or the King's judgment)." (Bukhari Volume 5, Book 58, Number 148)
So we can see it was not Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who issued the order that their men should be killed and their women and children made
into slaves; it was Saad bin Muadh whom the Jews selected to judge their fate.
Scholars and historians usually either accept all of the Story or flatout reject the entire thing as a fabrication. We've seem that Ibn Ishaq used to take stories about the Prophet from the Jews of Madinah. Both Imam Malik and Ibn Hajar were right in rejecting Ibn Ishaq as an authentic source for the Prophet's life.
[1] Tahdhib al-tahdhib, IX, 45. See also `Uyun al-athar, I, 17, where the author uses the same words, without giving a reference, in his introduction on the veracity of Ibn Ishaq and the criteria he applied.
[2] Ibn Hajar was a Shalifi and a very respected Hadith Scholar. He lived from 1372 C.E. to 1448 C.E.
False Story # 11 Prophet Muhammad ordering the killing of any Jew and the death of Ibn Sunaya
The 11th false story we can turn our attention towards is Prophet Muhammad allegedly ordering the killing of Jewsih men and a man named Muhayyisah killing a Jewish
man because of what he heard the Prophet say. The story is found in the hadith collection of Dawud:
Narrated Muhayyisah: The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) said: If you gain a victory over the men of Jews, kill them. So Muhayyisah jumped over Shubaybah, a man of the Jewish merchants. He had close relations with them. He then killed him. At that time Huwayyisah (brother of Muhayyisah) had not embraced Islam. He was older than Muhayyisah. When he killed him, Huwayyisah beat him and said: O enemy of Allah, I swear by Allah, you have a good deal of fat in your belly from his property.
(Abu Dawud Book 19, Number 2996)
Muslim apologist Hesheem already refuted this story:
Despite the fact that this story is mentioned in Sunan Abu Dawood, it is weak and unreliable. Concerning isnad (i.e. chain of reporters), this Hadith was narrated by servant of Zaid Ibn Thabet on authority of daughter of Muhayyisah. Servant of Zaid is Muhammad Ibn Ibi Muhammad and he is unreliable, and daughter of Muhayyisah is unknown. Concerning matn (i.e. text), it says that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) ordered to kill all Jews which is illogical even if Christian missionaries want to believe it! Because the Jews had a treaty with Muslims and there was no evidence that Muslims indulged in killing any Jew other than this Hadith. Moreover, Ibn Hesham himelf who edited the work of Ibn Ishaq suggests that the incident of Huwayyisah and Muhayyisah occurred during slaughter of Bani-Qurayzah, not after murder of Ka'b Needless to say, there is no such thing as "Kill any Jew that come under your power". (Source) As-Sirat-un-Nabawiyyah, Volume 3, page 18
False Story #12 Other false killing stories in Ibn Ishaq's sira
I already answered and refuted many of these killing stories found in Ibn Ishaq here.
False Story #13 Prophet Muhammad said that Adam was 90 feet tall and he was created in Allah's image
There are some hadith in Bukhari, Muslim and Ahmad that say that Adam was orginally 90 feet tall in Heaven, and when he was sent to earth he shrunk in height.
However it should be noted that Imam Malik (a hadith scholar) denied the authencity of this hadith. Also another similar hadith is found in Muslim (see Muslim Book 039, Number 6707) where it was said that Prophet Muhammad said that Allah created certain things on certain days of the week. However that hadith has been deemed weak by Imam Muslim.
False Story #14 Prophet Muhammad said that when a boy grows up he'll see judgement day
According to a hadith from Muslim, Prophet Muhammad said that when a boy grows up he'll see judgement day. The hadith goes like this:
Anas reported that a person asked Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as to when the Last Hour would come. He had in his presence a young boy of the Ansar who was called Muhammad. Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon bion) said: If this young boy lives. he may not grow very old till (he would see) the Last Hour coming to you. (Muslim Book 041, Number 7051)
قال القاضي : هذه الروايات كلها محمولة على معنى الأول , والمراد ( بساعتكم ) موتهم , ومعناه يموت ذلك القرن , أو أولئك المخاطبون .
قلت ويحتمل أنه علم أن ذلك الغلام لا يبلغ الهرم , ولا يعمر , ولا يؤخر .
Al Qadi said: All of these narrations have one meaning, and the meaning of "Your Last Hour" means their death. And it means the death of that century, or of those whom he is speaking to.
I (Nawawi) say: and it is possible that he (the Prophet) knew that the boy will not grow old in age. (Imam Nawawi, Sharh Saheeh Muslim, Kitab: Al Fitan ws Ashraat Al Saa'a, Bab: Qarb Al Saa'a, Commentary on Hadith no. 5248, Source)
The translators of Saheeh Muslim correctly translated ساعتكم (which means Your Hour) in narration number 7050.
Now when we bring all the narrations together we know that the Prophet (peace be upon him) was speaking about the hour of the death of the individuals he was speaking to. In Islam we consider the Last Hour of someone to be his death as brother Shamul Hameed states:
Judgment day, however is something, which we will all come to know potentially very soon. As soon as you die, the Day of Judgment starts for you, and you could die at any moment. (Source)
That is what the Prophet (peace be upon him) was saying.
Also, as Imam Nawawi mentioned it is possible that this specific individual that the Prophet (peace be upon him) was speaking about was someone special and no ordinary human being who might live longer than normal humans.
False Story #15 Prophet Muhammad said a Man will not be asked why he beat his wife
Umar reported the prophet as saying: "A man will not be asked as to why he beat his wife".(Abu Dawud # 2142)
This hadith is weak due to a weak narrator by the name of Daawood ibn Abdullah al Awdi.
See Sheikh Albani's detailed discussion in Erwaa Al Ghaleel, Hadeeth no. 2034. So we can
toss this hadith out the window.
False Story #16 Prophet Muhammad forced Divorces
The hadith in question is this:
It was narrated that Ibn 'Abbas said: "A man came to the Prophet and said: 'O Messenger of Allah, my master married me to his slave woman, and now he wants to separate me and her.' The Messenger of Allah ascended the pulpit and said: 'O people, what is the matter with one of you who marries his slave to his slave woman, then wants to separate them? Divorce belongs to the one who takes hold of the calf (i.e., her husband).'" (Da'if)( From English Translation of Sunan Ibn Majah - Compiled by Imam Muhammad Bin Yazeed Ibn Majah Al-Qazwini, From Hadith No. 1783 to 2718, Ahadith edited and referenced by Hafiz Abu Tahir Zubair 'Ali Za'i, translated by Nasiruddin al-Khattab (Canada), final review by Abu Khaliyl (USA), [Darussalam Publications and Distributors, First Edition: June 2007], Volume 3, The Chapters on Divorce, pp. 193-194;
Sheikh Albani in his Erwaa Al Ghaleel, hadith no. 2041 shows that all narrations regarding this hadith contain weaknesses in them.
False Story #17 Prophet Muhammad and snakes
The Hadith in Question is this:
Narrated AbdurRahman Ibn AbuLayla: The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) was asked about the house-snakes. He said: When you see one of them in your dwelling, say: I adjure you by the covenant which Noah made with you, and I adjure you by the covenant which Solomon made with you not to harm us. Then if they come back, kill them. (Abu Dawud Book 41, Number 5240)
This hadeeth is weak (see Shaykh Al Albani's Sunan Abu Dawud, Hadith no. 5260)
False Story #18 Prophet Muhammad on the heavens
The Hadith in Question is this:
Narrated Al-Abbas ibn AbdulMuttalib:
I was sitting in al-Batha with a company among whom the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) was sitting, when a cloud passed above them.
The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) looked at it and said: What do you call this? They said: Sahab.
He said: And muzn? They said: And muzn. He said: And anan? They said: And anan. AbuDawud said: I am not quite confident about the word anan. He asked: Do you know the distance between Heaven and Earth? They replied: We do not know. He then said: The distance between them is seventy-one, seventy-two, or seventy-three years. The heaven which is above it is at a similar distance (going on till he counted seven heavens). Above the seventh heaven there is a sea, the distance between whose surface and bottom is like that between one heaven and the next. Above that there ARE EIGHT MOUNTAIN GOATS the distance between whose hoofs and haunches is like the distance between one heaven and the next. Then Allah, the Blessed and the Exalted, is above that. (Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 40, Number 4705)
Sheikh Albani declared this hadeeth to be weak in Sunan Abu Dawud, hadith no. 4723. So we can throw this hadith out the window.
False Story #19 An old Woman being split in two during a battle
In this year a raiding party led by Zaid b. Harithah set out against Umm Qirfah in the month of Ramadan. During it, Umm Qirfah (Fatimah bt. Rabi'ah b. Badr) suffered a cruel death. He tied her legs with rope and then tied her between two camels until they split her in two. She was a very old woman.
Her story is as follows. According to Ibn Humayd- Salamah- Ibn Ishaq- 'Abdallah b. Abi Bakr, who said: The Messenger of God sent Zayd b. Harithah to Wadi al-Qura, where he encountered the Banu Fazarah. Some of his companions were killed there, and Zayd was carried away wounded from among the slain. One of those killed was Ward b. 'Amr, one of the Banu Badr [b. Fazarah]. When Zayd returned, he vowed that no washing [to cleanse him] from impurity should touch his head until he had raided the Fazarah. After he recovered from his wounds, the Messenger of God sent him with an army against the Banu Fazarah. He met them in Wadi al-Qura and inflicted casualties on them. Qays b. al-Musahhar al-Ya'muri killed Mas'adah b. Hakamah b. Malik b. Badr and took Umm Qirfah prisoner. (Her name was Fatimah bt. Rabi'ah b. Badr. She was married to Malik b. Hudhayfah b. Badr. SHE WAS A VERY OLD WOMAN.) He also took one of Umm Qirfah's daughters and 'Abdallah b. Mas'adah prisoner. Zayd b. Harithah ordered Qays to kill Umm Qirfah, AND HE KILLED HER CRUELLY. He tied each of her legs with a rope and tied the ropes to two camels and they split her in two ... (The History of Al-Tabari: The Victory of Islam, translated by Michael Fishbein [State University of New York Press, Albany 1997], Volume VIII, pp. 95-96; bold and capital emphasis ours)
However, this narration is weak because it contains Ibn Humayd. There are other versions of this story but they contain broken and weak chains.
False Story #20 Prophet Muhammad chaning the Qibla
According to Yunus b. 'Abd al-A'la - Ibn Wahb - Ibn Zayd: The Prophet turned towards Jerusalem for sixteen months, and then it reached his ears that the Jews were saying, "By God, Muhammad and his companions did not know where their Qiblah was until we directed them." This displeased the Prophet and he raised his face toward Heaven, and God said, "We have seen the turning of your face to Heaven." (The History of Al-Tabari: The Foundation of the Community, translated by M. V. McDonald, annotated by W. Montgomery Watt [State University of New York Press (SUNY), Albany 1987], Volume VII, pp. 24-25; bold emphasis ours)
This narration contains Ibn Zayd whom scholars have agreed to be weak and he is most likely Abdulrahman bin Zayd since he narrates Tafseer as Al-Dhahabi said. He is weak according to Imam Ahmad, Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani,al-Dhahabi, Abu Dawud, Ibn Ma'een, al-Nasaie, Abu Hatim and many others. (See Tahdheeb al-Tahdheeb, Volume 6, no.178)
False Story #21 Prophet Muhammad killed Safiyyah’s Father, Brother and Husband
Ibn ?Umar [al-Waqidi] - Kathir b. Zayd - al-Walid b. Rabah - Abu Hurayrah: While the Prophet was lying with Safiyyah Abu Ayyub stayed the night at his door. When he saw the Prophet in the morning he said "God is the Greatest." He had a sword with him; he said to the Prophet, "O Messenger of God, this young woman had just been married, and you killed her father, her brother and her husband, so I did not trust her (not to harm) you." The Prophet laughed and said "Good". (The History of al-Tabari, Volume XXXIX (39), p. 185; bold and underline emphasis ours)
This narration contains the infamous Al Waqidi, who has been condemned.
Interestingly, the authors didn't refer to the more popular name of the narrator. They mention the name "Muhammad Ibn ?Umar" but didn't indicate to the reader that this man is more popularly known as al-Waqidi. What is the Muslim verdict about this man?
Abd Allah Ibn Ali al Madini and his father said: "Al-Waqidi has 20,000 Hadith I never heard of." And then he said: "His narration shouldn't be used" and considered it weak.
Yahya Ibn Muaen said: "Al-Waqidi said 20,000 false hadith about the prophet."
Al-Shafi'i said, "Al-Waqidi is a liar."
Ibn Hanbal said, "Al-Waqidi is a liar."
Al-Bukhari said he didn't write a single letter by Al-Waqidi. (Siar Aalam al nublaa - althagbi - biography of Al-Waqidi)
The following Muslim author writes:
As a report of history, this narration suffers from two fatally serious defects. The first is the UNIVERSALLY RECOGNISED UNTRUSTWORTHINESS OF AL-WAQIDI. Details of his unreliability as a narrator would probably fill several pages, but all of it may be suitably condensed into a statement by Imam ash-Shafi'ee, who was his contemporary, and who knew him personally. Ash-Shafi'ee has the following to say: "In Madeenah there were seven people who used to forge chains of narration. One of them was al-Waqidi."3 (Sources: and; bold emphasis ours)
Others say:
Al-Waqidi (130/747-207/822-23), who wrote over twenty works of an historical nature, but only the Kitab al-Maghazi has survived as an independent work. His reputation is marred by the fact that he relied upon story tellers; viz., those who embellished the stories of others. Al-Waqidi did such embellish, such as by adding dates and other details onto the account of Ibn Ishaq (at pages 25-29) (
Even the English translator of Ibn Sa'd's work had this to say about al-Waqidi:
... The chain of the narrators is not reliable because the person who narrated to Ibn Sa'd was Waqidi WHO IS NOTORIOUS AS A NARRATOR OF FABRICATED hadithes. The next one Ya'qub is unknown and 'Abd Allah Ibn 'Abd al-Rahman is not a Companion. Consequently this narration is not trustworthy. (Ibn Sa'd's Kitab Al-Tabaqat Al-Kabir, Volume I, English translation by S. Moinul Haq, M.A., PH.D assisted by H.K. Ghazanfar M.A. [Kitab Bhavan Exporters & Importers, 1784 Kalan Mahal, Daryaganj, New Delhi, 110 002 India], p. 152, fn. 2; capital emphasis ours)
And the list goes on of those who called him a liar.
[(*) Muhammad ibn `Umar al-Waqidi (d. 207), Ahmad ibn Hanbal said of him: "He is A LIAR." Al-Bukhari and Abu Hatim al-Razi said: "DISCARDED." Ibn `Adi said: "His narrations ARE NOT RETAINED, AND THEIR BANE COMES FROM HIM." Ibn al-Madini said: "HE FORGES HADITHS." Al-Dhahabi said: "CONSENSUS HAS SETTLED OVER HIS DEBILITY." Mizan al-I`tidal (3:662-666 #7993).]
So as we can see, this narration/story is unreliable and false. Islamophobes should stop using it.
False Story #22 Prophet Muhammad killed Mulaykah’s father
According to al-Waqidi: In this year the Messenger of God married Mulaykah bt. Dawud al-Laythiyyah. One of the Prophet's wives came to Mulaykah and said to her, "Are you not ashamed to marry a man who killed your father?" She therefore "took refuge [in God]" from him. She was beautiful and young. The Messenger of God separated from her. He had killed her father the day of the conquest of Mecca. (The History of al-Tabari: The Victory of Islam, Translated by Michael Fishbein, Volume VIII (8), p. 187; underline emphasis ours)
This narration is false because again it contains Al-Waqidi a known liar.
Abd Allah Ibn Ali al Madini and his father said: "Al-Waqidi has 20,000 Hadith I never heard of." And then he said: "His narration shouldn't be used" and considered it weak.
Yahya Ibn Muaen said: "Al-Waqidi said 20,000 false hadith about the prophet."
Al-Shafi'i said, "Al-Waqidi is a liar."
Ibn Hanbal said, "Al-Waqidi is a liar."
Al-Bukhari said he didn't write a single letter by Al-Waqidi. (Siar Aalam al nublaa - althagbi - biography of Al-Waqidi)
The following Muslim author writes:
As a report of history, this narration suffers from two fatally serious defects. The first is the UNIVERSALLY RECOGNISED UNTRUSTWORTHINESS OF AL-WAQIDI. Details of his unreliability as a narrator would probably fill several pages, but all of it may be suitably condensed into a statement by Imam ash-Shafi'ee, who was his contemporary, and who knew him personally. Ash-Shafi'ee has the following to say: "In Madeenah there were seven people who used to forge chains of narration. One of them was al-Waqidi."3 (Sources: and; bold emphasis ours)
Others say:
Al-Waqidi (130/747-207/822-23), who wrote over twenty works of an historical nature, but only the Kitab al-Maghazi has survived as an independent work. His reputation is marred by the fact that he relied upon story tellers; viz., those who embellished the stories of others. Al-Waqidi did such embellish, such as by adding dates and other details onto the account of Ibn Ishaq (at pages 25-29) (
Even the English translator of Ibn Sa'd's work had this to say about al-Waqidi:
... The chain of the narrators is not reliable because the person who narrated to Ibn Sa'd was Waqidi WHO IS NOTORIOUS AS A NARRATOR OF FABRICATED hadithes. The next one Ya'qub is unknown and 'Abd Allah Ibn 'Abd al-Rahman is not a Companion. Consequently this narration is not trustworthy. (Ibn Sa'd's Kitab Al-Tabaqat Al-Kabir, Volume I, English translation by S. Moinul Haq, M.A., PH.D assisted by H.K. Ghazanfar M.A. [Kitab Bhavan Exporters & Importers, 1784 Kalan Mahal, Daryaganj, New Delhi, 110 002 India], p. 152, fn. 2; capital emphasis ours)
And the list goes on of those who called him a liar.
Al-Waqidi was also one of those that narrated the story of the Satanic Verses. The most amazing part of this is that the authors' friend, MENJ has a response on the same web site where this rebuttal appears from G.F. Haddad seeking to deny the historicity of the Satanic Verses where he calls into question al-Waqidi's reliability! Here is what Haddad says about al-Waqidi:
[(*) Muhammad ibn `Umar al-Waqidi (d. 207), Ahmad ibn Hanbal said of him: "He is A LIAR." Al-Bukhari and Abu Hatim al-Razi said: "DISCARDED." Ibn `Adi said: "His narrations ARE NOT RETAINED, AND THEIR BANE COMES FROM HIM." Ibn al-Madini said: "HE FORGES HADITHS." Al-Dhahabi said: "CONSENSUS HAS SETTLED OVER HIS DEBILITY." Mizan al-I`tidal (3:662-666 #7993).] (Source:; capital emphasis ours)
So as we can see, again this narration/story is unreliable and false because Al-Waqidi related it.
False Story #23 Prophet Muhammad had more than 9 wives/ he had about 15 -22-30 wives/conubines/women
It is agreed according to authentic sources that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) only had nine to 11 wives. All these other wives/conbuines/ women come from The History Al-Tabari Volumes 7, 8, 9, 39 which are all inauthentic sources of information in regards to the Prophet (peace be upon him). Al-Tabari is not a reliable source of information when it comes to learning about Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Most of these “extra” 15 wives and concubines which the Prophet (pbuh) allegedly had comes from The History of al-Tabari vol.9 p.126-241. There are even wives the Prophet had then divorced allegedly (Al-Tabari Volume 39 Pages 166 to 188)
None of these wives/concubines are mentioned in the canonical hadith. I have already shown that Al-Tabari warns people that his book is filled with weak and accurate information about the Prophet (See The History of Al-Tabari Volume 1 page 13) . Other Islamic scholars have refuted Al-Tabari’s reliability (Such as Ibn Kathir, etc).
As Bassam Zawadi states about Al-Tabari:
First of all, early historians such as Imam Tabari would admit to his audience that the book that he has written is filled with weak narrations:
Let him who examines this book of mine know that I have relied, as regards everything I mention therein which I stipulate to be described by me, solely upon what has been transmitted to me by way of reports which I cite therein and traditions which I ascribe to their narrators, to the exclusion of what may be apprehended by rational argument or deduced by the human mind, except in very few cases. This is because knowledge of the reports of men of the past and of contemporaneous views of men of the present do not reach the one who has not witnessed them nor lived in their times except through the accounts of reporters and the transmission of transmitters, to the exclusion of rational deduction and mental inference. Hence, if I mention in this book a report about some men of the past, which the reader of listener finds objectionable or worthy of censure because he can see no aspect of truth nor any factual substance therein, let him know that this is not to be attributed to us but to those who transmitted it to us and we have merely passed this on as it has been passed on to us. (Abu Ja`far Muhammad bin Jarir al-Tabari, Tarikh al-Tabari: Tarikh al-Umam wal-Muluk, 1997, Volume I, Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyyah, Beirut (Lebanon), p. 13.)
Notice how Imam Tabari is saying that his task is only to collect all the narrations transmitted down to him and record it in his book. He is not attempting to distinguish the true narrations from the false ones. Rather, he is leaving it up to the qualified reader to do research and find out which narrations are true or not. That is why it is not advised for laymen such as Sam Shamoun and David Wood to go ahead and read a book such as Tabari's Taarikh, for they have no knowledge of how to distinguish the true narrations from the false ones.
Secondly, it might have been the intention of some of the early Muslims to collect authentic stories, but were not successful in doing so because they didn't utilize the proper methodology of investigating their sources. Thus, they would unintentionally include these forgeries into their books. (Source)
According to authentic reports Prophet Muhammad's wives were the eleven (See Bukhari Volume 1, Book 5, Number 268). When the Prophet (peace be upon him) died he had nine wives (al-Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 6) and left no slave women behind (Bukhari Volume 4, Book 51, Number 2)
The Prophet DID not have concubines as this is from WEAK sources and not found in the hadith. Also see Al Azhar scholar Sheikh Abdul Majid Subh's writings. )
For Polygamy being allowed in the Bible, Judaism and Christianity and many men in Arabia having more than one wife lease see this.
For all the wives of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) see Bukhari vol.1 Book 5 ch.25 no.282 p.172-173.
So we can see the Prophet Muhammad (p) had only 9-11 wives. All these other 15-22 wives come from Al-Tabari which is not an authentic source of information.
These narrations from Al-Tabari and Zad Al Mad about the “extra/other” wives of the Prophet Muhammad are all weak--- Muslim scholars do not accept them.
They said it was from a book by Ibn Qayyim and taken from musnad Ahmed. It was'nt in any stronger collection. I have to check. from Zad al-Ma'ad" by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya Part 1, Pages 114-116. This source however is not authentic. It was'nt in any stronger collection. Thus is not a reliable source of hadith (sayings and actions of the Prophet). Moreover the Prophet (peace be upon) having slaves and slave women contradicts Authentic hadith from Bukhari which says when the Prophet died he left behind nothing:
Narrated 'Amir bin Al-Harith: Allah's Apostle (Prophet Muhammad) did not leave a Dinar or a Dirham or a male or a female slave. He left only his white mule on which he used to ride, and his weapons, and a piece of land which he gave in charity for the needy travelers. (Bukhari Volume 5, Book 59, Number 738)
Narrated Amr bin Al-Harith: (The brother of the wife of Allah's Apostle. Juwaira bint Al-Harith) When Allah's Apostle died, he did not leave any Dirham or Dinar (i.e. money), a slave or a slave woman or anything else except his white mule, his arms and a piece of land which he had given in charity . (Bukhari Volume 4, Book 51, Number 2)
These narrations from Al-Tabari about the “extra/other” wives of the Prophet Muhammad are all weak--- Muslim scholars do not accept them. So it's safe to say
the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him had only wives. The other sources that say otherwise are not authentic according to Muslim scholars.
False Stories #24 Prophet Muhammad ordered the assassinations of People according to Ibn Ishaq and Al-Tabari
Critics of Islam call Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) a murderer referring to various stories in Ibn Ishaq and Al-Tabari.
These “assassination” “murder” stories are found in Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah (The Life of Muhammad), Translated by Alfred Guillaume, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1980), pages 164, 306, 308, p. 366, p. 368-369, 372-373, 461, 464, 674-675 p. 551 Al-Tabari, The History of Al-Tabari: Volume 8, Michael Fishbein, tr. (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1997) page 179-181.
All these assassination/ “Murdered by Muhammad” stories are false. None of them have a reliable chain of transmission to them.
It is interesting to note that many of these so called "assassinations" reported in Ibn Ishaq's or Tabari's works all have something in common, and that is that because the person who was assassinated insulted the Holy Prophet (S), were assassinated. However, the scholars have looked at reports like this and have concluded:
All such reports, as ascribe the execution of others merely to their having harrased the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in the past, have Ibn Ishaq as the last narrator at the top; and in the terminology of the traditionalists such reports are called Mursal and are not to be relied on."
(Source: Sirat-Un-Nabi, by Allama Shibli Nu'Mani, rendered into English by M. Tayyib Bakhsh Budayuni, Kazi Publications Lahore, Vol. II, p. 199-203, bold and underlined emphasis ours)
Ibn Ishaq has been condemned by our great Islamic Scholars for being careless in compiling his information:
Shaykh ibn Taymiyyah said:
Allah has provided evidence (i.e. Isnad) establishing the authenticity or lack thereof of the narrations that are necessary in matters of the religion. It is well known that most of what was reported in aspects of Tafsir (commentaries on the Qur'an) is similar to narrations reporting Maghazi (or Seerah) and battles, promoting Imam Ahmad to state that three matters do not have Isnad: Tafsir, Mala'him (i.e. great battles), and Maghazi. This is because most of their narrations are of the Maraseel (plural for Mursal) type, such as narrations reported by Urwah Ibn az-Zubair, ash-Sha'bi, az-Zuhri, Musa Ibn Uqbah and Ibn Ishaq." (Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah, Majmu' Al Fataawa, Volume, 13, page 345)
So none of these assassination stories found in Ibn Ishaq and Al-Tabari are reliable.
(For more on the unreliability of Ibn Ishaq and Al-Tabari again see this).
False Story/Misconception #25 Prophet Muhammad ordered the Killing of 600-900 Banu Qurazah men and the enslavement of their women and children.
This is just a flat out lie. Only the most ignorant of Islamic critics say this (and believe me there are many of them in the world)
The Prophet never ordered the killing of the Banu Qurazah tribe. It was a man named Sad ibn Muad. For more on this incident and the context of the Banu Qurazah crimes against the Prophet Muhammad and the Muslims see this. Also see this and this and this.
For Prophet Muhammad the Jewish Tribes of Medinah see this.
False Story #26 Prophet Muhammad hit Aisha on the Chest
The Hadith in Question is this:
Muhammad b. Qais said (to the people): Should I not narrate to you (a hadith of the Holy Prophet) on my authority and on the authority of my mother? We thought that he meant the mother who had given him birth. He (Muhammad b. Qais) then reported that it was 'A'isha who had narrated this: Should I not narrate to you about myself and about the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him)? We said: Yes. She said: When it was my turn for Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) to spend the night with me, he turned his side, put on his mantle and took off his shoes and placed them near his feet, and spread the corner of his shawl on his bed and then lay down till he thought that I had gone to sleep. He took hold of his mantle slowly and put on the shoes slowly, and opened the door and went out and then closed it lightly. I covered my head, put on my veil and tightened my waist wrapper, and then went out following his steps till he reached Baqi'. He stood there and he stood for a long time. He then lifted his hands three times, and then returned and I also returned. He hastened his steps and I also hastened my steps. He ran and I too ran. He came (to the house) and I also came (to the house). I, however, preceded him and I entered (the house), and as I lay down in the bed, he (the Holy Prophet) entered the (house), and said: Why is it, O 'A'isha, that you are out of breath? I said: There is nothing. He said: Tell me or the Subtle and the Aware would inform me. I said: Messenger of Allah, may my father and mother be ransom for you, and then I told him (the whole story). He said: Was it the darkness (of your shadow) that I saw in front of me? I said: Yes. He struck me on the chest which caused me pain, and then said: Did you think that Allah and His Apostle would deal unjustly with you? She said: Whatsoever the people conceal, Allah will know it. He said: Gabriel came to me when you saw me. He called me and he concealed it from you. I responded to his call, but I too concealed it from you (for he did not come to you), as you were not fully dressed. I thought that you had gone to sleep, and I did not like to awaken you, fearing that you may be frightened. He (Gabriel) said: Your Lord has commanded you to go to the inhabitants of Baqi' (to those lying in the graves) and beg pardon for them. I said: Messenger of Allah, how should I pray for them (How should I beg forgiveness for them)? He said: Say, Peace be upon the inhabitants of this city (graveyard) from among the Believers and the Muslims, and may Allah have mercy on those who have gone ahead of us, and those who come later on, and we shall, God willing, join you. (Muslim Book 4, Number 2127)
The Arabic word used in this hadith is The arabic word, which has been used in the hadith is لهدني.
When Aisha said lahadney, the Arabic word does not denote strike or a beating. Rather, it’s a push with an open palm. The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to do this with several people in order to make a crucial point and get their attention. Aisha herself said that the Prophet (peace be upon him) never beat her. She made no exceptions by saying “well… except for that one time”.
Âishah said: “Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) never once struck a servant of his nor a woman, nor did he strike anyone with his hand.” [Sahîh Muslim (2328), Sunan Abî Dâwûd (4786), Sunan Ibn Mâjah (1984), as quoted from Sunan Ibn Mâjah
False Story #27 Prophet Muhammad said the Devil is a Black Man
According to Ibn Ishaq pages 165 - 167 The Prophet (peace be upon him) allegedly said that a Black Man is the Devil. However I don’t know how many times I have to say this, Ibn Ishaq is not reliable. See here. Thus this story is unreliable and false since there is no reliable chain of transmission for it. Again Ibn Ishaq has been condemned by great Islamic scholars for being careless in collecting his information, see Ibn Taymiyyah, Majmu' Al Fataawa, Volume, 13, page 345
False Story #28 Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that the world’s different ethicinities is descended from Shem, Ham and Japheth.
According to Ibn Bashshar- Ibn `Athmah- Sa'id b. Bashir- Qatadah- al-Hasan- Samurah b. Jundub- the Prophet, in connection with commenting on God's word: `And We made his offspring the survivors': Shem, Ham, and Japheth. (History of al-Tabari Volume 1 [State University of New York Press; Albany, NY 1989], pp. 369)
The chain of narration is weak. See Sheikh Albany's Jaami' Al Tirmidhi commentary on hadith no. 3230 & 3931. Also see Sheikh Al Albany's Salseelatil Ahaadeeth Al Da'eefa, Hadith no. 3683 for his detailed critique of the narration.
For the Unreliablity and Problems with Al-Tabari’s History Collection and Tafsir (Commentary of the Quran) see here.
False Story #29 The story of Prophet Muhammad, Hafsa and Maria
This story is found in Tafsir Al-Tabari Volume 28 page 90. This story is so obscene I can’t post it here, but this story doesn’t come from a reliable source. It comes from Tafsir Al-Tabari which is not an authentic hadith collection. Islamic scholars have said that Tafsir’s are not reliable when it comes to learning about Prophet Muhammad’s life because there is no insad (Islamic term for chain of transmission, see Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah, Majmu' Al Fataawa, Volume, 13, page 345).
At-Tabari's Tafsir is one of the major books of Tafsir. Yet, it also contains many false Hadith s and unreliable narrations thathe collected from various resources. So this story is false because there is no reliable chain of transmission for it.
For the Unreliablity and Problems with Al-Tabari’s History Collection and Tafsir (Commentary of the Quran) see here.
Misconception/ False Claim #30 Prophet Muhammad was not certain of his salvation
This is false. Prophet Muhammad in two hadith said that he is going to enter heaven:
وأنا سيد الناس يوم القيامة ولا فخر وأنا أول من يدخل الجنة يوم القيامة ولا فخر
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: And I am the master of the people on the Day of Judgment and I say this with no pride and I am the first one who would enter paradise on the Day of Judgment and I say this with no pride. (Musnad Ahmed Hadith #12013)
Anas b. Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: I will come to the gate of Paradise on the Day of Resurrection. and would seek its opening. and the keeper would say: Who art thou? I would say: Muhammad. He would then say: It is for thee that I have been ordered, and not to open it for anyone before thee. (Muslim Book 001, Number 0384)
Misconception/ False Claim #31 Maria the Copt was Prophet Muhamamd’s maid/Concubine
False claim. Although it is true that Ibn Ishaq and Al-Tabari say this, again Ibn Ishaq and Al-Tabari are not reliable sources of information when it comes to learning about Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Ibn Kathir is quoted to have said:
Maria al-Qibtiyya (may Allah be pleased with her) is said to have married the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and certainly everyone gave her the same title of respect as the Prophet's wives, 'Umm al Muminin' 'Mother of the Believers'.
The muqawqis, or King of the Copts, gave the Prophet (S) two wives as a gift. The Prophet (S) married one, who became the mother of the Prophet's son Ibrahim, and he gave the other one to Hassan as a wife. (Haythami said in Majma al-zawaid, "Tabarani in al-Aswat and al-Bazzar related it, and the narrators in al-Bazzar's chain are all scholar's of sound hadith as stated by Hisham Kabbani in Encyclopedia of Islamic Doctrine: Remembrance of Allah and Praising the Prophet, p. 76 Vol. II)
"It is reported from 'Abdullah al-Zubairi who said: that after this the Noble Prophet married (tazawwaju) Mariah daughter of Sham'un. This is the same Mariyah who was sent by Maqauqis, the ruler of Alexandria to the Prophet as a gift" (Sahih al-Mustadarak Hakim Vol. iv, as quoted in Namus, p. 86).
It must be borne in mind that in Maulana Maududi's view the word azwaj (wives) according to the common usage in the Arabic language and in the Qur'anic terminology is only used for women who have been properly married (Tafhim-ul-Qur'an, Vol. iii, under verses 23: 5-7). In the above report a derivative of zwj (tazawwaju - he married) has been used. What other historical proof is needed to establish the point that Mary the Coptic was a wife of the Prophet in a proper sense?
The Qur'an also forbade the "wives" (azwaj) of the Prophet to marry again after this death (33:53) because they were considered to be the mothers of the believers (33:6). Mary the Coptic never married after the death of the Prophet.
The Prophet once remarked: " A person who has a slave-girl and trains her in the best manner and gives her the best education, then sets her free and marries her, he will have a double reward (in the next life) Mishkat-ul-Masabih Kitab-ul-Iman Ch.1; Bukhari 3:31; as quoted in Namus, p. 31). How could the Prophet himself go against his own preachings - supposing for a moment that Mary the Coptic was sent to him as a slave girl?
Moreover from Bukhari (THE MOST AUTHENTIC HADITH COLLECTION) Prophet Muhammad did not have male or female slaves when he died:
Narrated 'Amir bin Al-Harith: Allah's Apostle (Prophet Muhammad) did not leave a Dinar or a Dirham or a male or a female slave. He left only his white mule on which he used to ride, and his weapons, and a piece of land which he gave in charity for the needy travelers. (Bukhari Volume 5, Book 59, Number 738)
Narrated Amr bin Al-Harith: (The brother of the wife of Allah's Apostle. Juwaira bint Al-Harith) When Allah's Apostle died, he did not leave any Dirham or Dinar (i.e. money), a slave or a slave woman or anything else except his white mule, his arms and a piece of land which he had given in charity . (Bukhari Volume 4, Book 51, Number 2)
So Maria was the wife of the Prophet (p).
False Story/ Claim #32 Prophet Muhammad is reported to have said that he believed in the Torah in the possession of the Jews at his time
The claim is found in Ibn Ishaq’s Sira of the Prophet:
Rafi b. Haritha and Sallam b. Mishkam and Malik b. al-Sayf and Rafi b. Huraymila came to him [Muhammad] and said: 'Do you not allege that you follow the religion of Abraham and believe in the Torah which we have and testify that it is the truth from God?' He replied, 'certainly, but you have sinned and broken the covenant contained therein and concealed what you were ordered to make plain to men, and I dissociate myself from your sin.' They said, 'We hold by what we have. We live according to the guidance and the truth and we do not believe in you and we will not follow you.' So God sent down concerning them: 'Say, O Scripture folk, you have no standing until you observe the Torah and the Gospel and what has been sent down from your Lord. What has been sent down to thee from they Lord will assuredly increase many of them in error and unbelief. But be not sad because of the unbelieving people.' (The Life of Muhammad: A Translation of Ibn Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah, with introduction and notes by Alfred Guillaume [Oxford University Press, Karachi, Tenth impression 1995], p. 268)
This problem arises because Alfred Guillaume did not translate a very crucial word properly. Below is the Arabic text of the story and the proper translation...
عَنْ اِبْن عَبَّاس , قَالَ : جَاءَ رَسُول اللَّه صَلَّى اللَّه عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ وَرَافِع بْن حَارِثَة , وَسَلَّام بْن مِشْكَم , وَمَالِك بْن الصَّيْف , وَرَافِع بْن حُرَيْمِلَة , فَقَالُوا : يَا مُحَمَّد أَلَسْت تَزْعُم أَنَّك عَلَى مِلَّة إِبْرَاهِيم وَدِينه , وَتُؤْمِن بِمَا عِنْدنَا مِنْ التَّوْرَاة , وَتَشْهَد أَنَّهَا مِنْ اللَّه حَقّ ؟ فَقَالَ رَسُول اللَّه صَلَّى اللَّه عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ " بَلَى , وَلَكِنَّكُمْ أَحْدَثْتُمْ وَجَحَدْتُمْ مَا فِيهَا مِمَّا أُخِذَ عَلَيْكُمْ مِنْ الْمِيثَاق , وَكَتَمْتُمْ مِنْهَا مَا أُمِرْتُمْ أَنْ تُبَيِّنُوهُ لِلنَّاسِ , وَأَنَا بَرِيءٌ مِنْ أَحْدَاثكُمْ ! " قَالُوا : فَإِنَّا نَأْخُذ بِمَا فِي أَيْدِينَا, فَإِنَّا عَلَى الْحَقّ وَالْهُدَى , وَلَا نُؤْمِن بِك وَلَا نَتَّبِعك
Ibn Abbas reported: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and Rafi b. Haritha, and Sallam b. Mishkam and Malik b. al-Sayf and Rafi b. Huraymila and they (the Jews) said to them: O Muhammad, do you not allege that you follow the way of Abraham and his religion, and believe in what we have from the Torah and testify that it is the truth from Allah? The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him replied: Yes, however you have innovated and broken the covenant contained therein and concealed what you were ordered to make clear to people, and I dissociate myself from your innovations. They said, 'We hold by what we have. We live according to the guidance and the truth and we do not believe in you and we will not follow you.'
If this story does anything now, it only serves as evidence that the Jews have corrupted their scriptures. Notice how the crucial words "innovated" and "innovations" were not properly translated by Alfred Guillaume. He simply translated the words as "sinned" and "sins".
The fact that the Prophet (peace be upon him) accused the Jews of innovating shows that the Prophet (peace be upon him) accused them of adding to the religion things that did not belong there.
Now the Christian might reply back and say that it is possible that Muhammad peace be upon him intended to mean that the Jews innovated by adding their false interpretations. With all honesty, I will admit that this is true. However, the Christian must also be honest and equally admit that it is possible that the Prophet peace be upon him intended to say that the Jews innovated by adding false verses into the text of the Torah.
Just by examining this narration alone, we can't know what the Prophet's intention was. The story is ambiguous when examined alone. Since it is ambiguous Christians have no right to use this story as a proof that the Prophet peace be upon him affirmed the textual purity of the Torah since the story allows for the possibility that the Prophet intended to say that the Jews textually corrupted their scriptures.
So the possible interpretation of the story is that when the Jews asked the Prophet if he believed that what they have in the Torah is the truth from God he said "Yes" because he believed that there was truth in it, however the Jews added their innovations to it.
False Story #33 Prophet Muhammad said he is married to Mary the Mother of Jesus in Heaven
The hadith in question is this:
"The Messenger of God . said, 'God MARRIED ME IN PARADISE TO MARY THE DAUGHTER OF 'IMRAN and to the wife of Pharaoh and the sister of Moses.' (Tabarani)" (Ibn Kathir, Qisas al-Anbiya [Cairo: Dar al-Kutub, 1968/1388], p. 381- as cited in Aliah Schleifer's Mary The Blessed Virgin of Islam [Fons Vitae; ISBN: 1887752021; July 1, 1998], p. 64; bold and capital emphasis [the writer's]).
However this hadith is false because the people who narrated it are unrelaible. What is mentioned from Ibn 'Asâkir in this quote is contained in one of the three narrations alluded to previously for which Ibn Kathîr said, "Each of these hadîths, their chains [of transmission] contain a problem." The last narration was also quoted earlier and as was mentioned, al-'Uqailî viewed it as being weak; in Silsilah al-Ahâdîth ad-Da'îfah (2/220/no.812), Shaikh al-Albânî elaborates further mentioning the criticisms of two narrators in its chain: Yūnus bin Shu'aib, who Imam al-Bukhârî declared was rejected in Hadîth and 'Abdun-Nūr bin 'Abdillah bin Sinân, who Imam adh-Dhahabî declared was a liar and accused of fabricating Hadîth.
So we can toss this narration out.
False Story/ Misconception #34 Aisha did not hit puberty when marrying Prophet Muhammad (p)
Only ignorant hate mongers of Islam/ Anti-Islamic critics of Islam keep bringing the issue of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)'s marriage to
Aisha. Most these ignorant White People who know nothing of Islam. The fact is that Aisha did in fact hit puberty when she was 9 years old as she said:
When the girl reaches nine years of age, she is a woman. (Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Kitab: al-Nikah, Bab: Maa Jaa'a fee Ikraah Al Yateemah 'alaa al tazweej, Hadith no. 1027)
Shaikh Abdur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri in his commentary on Sunan al-Tirmidhi said:
أن عائشة قد كانت أدركت وهي بنت تسع سنين
Aisha knew (that she hit puberty) when she became nine years old. (Shaikh Abdur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri, Tuhfat AI-Ahwadhi, Kitab: al-Nikah, Bab: Maa Jaa'a fee Ikraah Al Yateemah 'alaa al tazweej, Hadith no. 1027)
In Arab culture when a girl reaches puberty she starts to mensurate and becomes a woman. We have several examples of this:
- Imam Al-Shafi'e said in Siyar A'lam Al-Nubala', Volume 10, p. 91 "During my stay in Yemen I have come across girls at the age of nine whom menstruated so often"
- Imam Al-Bayhaqi in Sunan Al-Bayhaqi Al-Kubra, Volume 1, p. 319 narrated that Imam Al-Shafi'e said: "I have seen in the city of Sana'a a grandmother while she was twenty one. She menstruated at the age of nine and gave birth at the age of 10"
- Ibn Al-Jawzi narrated similar stories from Ibn U'qail and U'bad Al-Mahlby in his Tahqeeq Fi Ahadith Al-Khilaf, Volume 2, p. 267
Also if Christians bring up the issue of Prophet Muhammad's marriage to Aisha just bring up the fact that The Virgin Mary was only 12-14 years old
when she had Jesus and was married to Joesph the Carpenter:
Regarding the Marriage of Mary to Joseph, Catholic Encyclopaedia (, says:
"When forty years of age, Joseph married a woman called Melcha or Escha by some, Salome by others; they lived forty-nine years together and had six children, two daughters and four sons, the youngest of whom was James (the Less, "the Lord's brother"). A year after his wife's death, as the priests announced through Judea that they wished to find in the tribe of Juda a respectable man to espouse Mary, then twelve to fourteen years of age, Joseph, who was at the time ninety years old, went up to Jerusalem among the candidates; a miracle manifested the choice God had made of Joseph, and two years later the Annunciation took place."
Note: That article on Catholic Encyclopaedia obtains its information from early
Christian writing including apocryphal writings.
The Catholic Encyclopaedia goes on to conclude "...retained the belief that St. Joseph was an old man at the time of marriage with the Mother of God." If Christians do not find any difficulty in accepting "Mother of God" (according to Catholic Encyclopaedia), who was 12-14, marrying a 90 year old man then why do they raise objection towards the marriage of Aisha (RA) to the Prophet?
As for Aisha and her playing with dolls when marrying Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) please see this link.
False Story #35 Prophet Muhammad was unfair in his treament of his wives, especially Saudwa/ wanted to divorce Saudwa
False Story #36 Prophet Muhammad allowed Mutah Marriage/Temporary Marriage with a woman
Mutah was a Pre-Islamic practice done by the Arabs Before Islam. Thus Mutah is not something Islam came up with, it already existed before the coming of Islam.
It is true that in it's early years, Mutah was allowed by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). However there later was a verse revealed to the Prophet Muhammad by Allah that prohibited Mutah or temporary marriage:
In the hadith collection of Tirmizi, Ibn Abbas narrates:
"Temporary marriage was at the beginning of Islam. A man comes by a town where he has no acquaintances, so he marries for a fixed time depending on his stay in the town, the woman looks after his provisions and prepares his food, until the verse was revealed: 'Except to your wives or what your right hands possess.'"
A majority of Sunnis believe that Muhammad later abolished this type of marriage at several different large events, the most accepted being at Khaybar in 7 AH (629 CE) Bukhari 059.527 and at the Victory of Mecca in 8 AH (630 CE). The hadith is this:
Narrated 'Ali bin Abi Talib: On the day of Khaibar, Allah's Apostle forbade the Mut'a (i.e. temporary marriage) and the eating of donkey-meat. (Bukhari Book #59, Hadith #527)
For more evidence that Mutah is forbidden in Islam see (Bukhari Book #008, Hadith #3261)
Some people say hadiths are contradictory, but actually they are not. The case is very simple, the prophet Muhammad forbade the act of muta' on more than one occasion. For instance, he forbade those who were present at the battle of Khaibar and on another occasion, in front of thousands of the day of the conquest of Makkah.
One might argue back saying that Shias allow for Mutah and say that Ali (one of the disciples of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) allowed it, but this is false. According to Shia sources, Ali didn't even allow Mutah!
Once Ali argued with a man who believed in Muta'a and told him that the Prophet made muta'a and the meat of donkey haram on the day of Khaiber (Bukhari vol. 7, pg. 287 and vol. 4 pg. 134). This hadith can also be found in shiya hadith books
The shiya themselves have a hadith narrated by Ali which states that the Prophet made muta'a haram on the day of Khaiber (Book of Tahdeeb: vol. 7, pg. 251, rewaya 10).
Imam Abi-Abdullah narrated: Do not do muta'a with a believer woman..because you will humiliate her by doing that.(shiya sources: Tahdeeb: vol. 7, pg. 253, rewaya 14:21; Istibsaar: vol. 3, pg. 143, rewaya 4:93).
These hadiths must be followed since the Quran states:
"O ye who believe! Obey God, and obey the Apostle, and those charged with
authority among you. If ye differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to God and His
Apostle, if ye do believe in God and the Last Day: That is best, and most suitable for final
determination. (The Noble Quran, 4:59)"
"When there comes to them some matter touching (Public) safety or fear, they divulge it.
If they had only referred it to the Apostle, or to those charged with authority among
them, the proper investigators would have Tested it from them (direct). Were it not for
the Grace and Mercy of God unto you, all but a few of you would have fallen into the
clutches of Satan. (The Noble Quran, 4:83)"
Umar Ibn Khattab also used to forbid people from doing Mutah as the following narrations say:
"al-Bukhari declared that Umar used to forbid people on Mut'a." (Tafsir Ibn Kathir, v1, p233)
Ibn Hazm said, "temporary marriage is not permitted; this is a fixed marriage which was permitted at the time of the Messenger (s.a.w.), then Allah superseded it through His Messenger (s.a.w.) until the day of resurrection."
For more on how Mutah is not allowed in Islam please see the following links:
False Story #37 Prophet Muhammad attacked various Tribes, Arab Tribes, the Jewish Tribes, and the Pagan Meccan Tribes for no good reason/ Prophet Muhamamd (p) wars were not in self defense:
As for the Jews, that is not correct. The Jewish tribes if Banu Qunuqa, Banu Nadir and Banu Qurazah fought against Prophet Muhammad (p), for proof see Muslim Book 019, Number 4364. Also Imam Nawawi states:
Imam Nawawi in his commentary on the hadith stated...
وإنما قال لهم هذا , لأنهم حاربوا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم كما ذكره ابن عمر في روايته التي ذكرها مسلم بعد هذه
And he uttered this statement to them because they waged war against the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) just as Ibn Umar mentioned in his narration, which Imam Muslim mentions after this. (Imam Nawawi, Sharh Saheeh Muslim, Kitab: Al Jihad wal Sayr, Bab: Ejlaa' al Yahood min al-Hijaaz, Commentary on Hadith no. 3311
For the Banu Qaynuqa breaking the Covenant and fighting against the Muslims see Ibn Hisham Volume 3, pages 65-80. For the Banu Nadir breaking the Covenant and fighting the Muslims see Ibn Hisham Volume 3 pages 680 to 683.
As for the Prophet Muhammad attacking the Pagan Meccans/Raiding the Caravans for no reason, This is false, see here:
For example the Banu Mustaliq Tribe tried to attack Madinah and the Muslims first (See Ibn Hisham Volume 2, page 289, 290, 294, 295 and Zad ul Mad Volume 2, page 112-113.). Jewish Tribes like Banu Qurazah also started launching war operations against the Muslims in Madinah (See Ibn Hisham Volume 3, pages 307-308 and Al Bayhaqi in his Dalail Volume 3, pages 400-401) Ibn Hisham Volume 3, pages 329-330. So yes, Prophet Muhammad (p) wars were in self defense. More to come inshallah!
False Story #37.1 Prophet Muhammad (p) attacked the Khaybar Jews for no reason
The reason why Khaybar was invaded by Prophet Muhammad (p) and the Muslims was because the Jews of Khaybar instigated violence against the
Muslims by provoking the enemies of the Muslims to fight the Muslims (See Ibn Hisam Volume 2, Page 272 and Volume 3, Page 272) and Ibn Hisham
Volume 2 and 3 pages 272-280, etc etc. For more on refuting the critics of Islam on the Battle of Khaybar see here.
False Story #38 The Prophet Muhammad said "Kill any Jew under your power" and the killing of the Jew Ibn Sunayna
This story and alleged saying of the Prophet Muhammad (p) is found in Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 19, Number 2996 and in Ibn Ishaq page 369. However this story is false. Despite the fact that this story is mentioned in Sunan Abu Dawood, it is weak and unreliable. Concerning isnad (i.e. chain of reporters), this Hadith was narrated by servant of Zaid Ibn Thabet on authority of daughter of Muhayyisah. Servant of Zaid is Muhammad Ibn Ibi Muhammad and he is unreliable, and daughter of Muhayyisah is unknown. Concerning matn (i.e. text), it says that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) ordered to kill all Jews which is illogical even if Christian missionaries want to believe it! Because the Jews had a treaty with Muslims and there was no evidence that Muslims indulged in killing any Jew other than this Hadith. Moreover, Ibn Hesham himelf who edited the work of Ibn Ishaq suggests that the incident of Huwayyisah and Muhayyisah occurred during slaughter of Bani-Qurayzah, not after murder of Ka’b (See Ibn Hisham, Volume 3, page 18)
False Story #39 Prophet Muhammad (p) made a false prophecy when he said the women will go around an idol in Arabia.
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established till the buttocks of the women of the tribe of Daus move while going round Dhi-al-Khalasa." Dhi-al-Khalasa was the idol of the Daus tribe which they used to worship in the Pre Islamic Period of ignorance. (Bukhari)
However Ibn Hajar argues that this prophecy has already been furfilled in his Commentary of Bukhari called "Fathul Bari".
False Story #40 Prophet Muhammad (p) said that most women go to Hell:
Already answered on another website:
False Story #41 Prophet Muhammad allowed Rape, Rape of Slave women and Rape is allowed in Islam
This is a false claim about critics of Islam. Rape in Islam is forbidden see this:
As for the rape of Slave Women or having sexual intercourse with slave women see this link:
False Story/Allegation #42- Rahyana was the Concubine of the Prophet Muhammad (p)
This claim is found in Ibn Ishaq page 466. However there is no reliable chain of tranmission for this claim or story.
According to other and stronger/better Islamic sources, Rahyana was the wife of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) see
Ibn Sa'd Volume 8 pages 92-93 and Ibn Hajar, Isabaha, Volume 4, page 309. So Rayhana was the wife of the Prophet Muhammad
(Peace be upon him).
Allegation #43- Prophet Muhammad's marriage to Sayiffah